Veelgestelde vragen
Waar is het archief?
Je kan inactieve/gearchiveerde leden terugvinden door te wisselen van Periodes. Als je op zoek bent naar een lid dat wegging in november 2016, dan wissel je naar de Periode '2015 - 2016'. Je moet wel weten in welke sectie het lid zat, aangezien het enkel zal verschijnen in die sectie.
Voorbeeld: Jan stopte in november 2016 toen hij bij de Bevers zat.
Je gaat naar de 'Bevers' sectie en wisselt vervolgens naar '2015 - 2016'. Als je 'Leden - Persoonlijke Details' opent, dan zal je Jan zien staan en kan je Jan herstellen.
Je ziet enkel leden die nergens anders meer actief zijn in oudere periodes.
Als je een lid volledig verwijderd, dan kan het niet meer hersteld worden
Giving access to leaders
Only the administrator of your sectie can give out access to others. If you do not have full permission to do this, speak to whoever gave you your account. Click Settings - Sectie Settings - Leaders Access Put in the leader's email address. You will then be able to give the appropriate permissions to this leader.
Changing or adding term dates
Click Settings - Sectie Settings - Terms. There you can create new terms and change existing term dates. It is recommended that you start the next term the day after the current term ends so that you are never "not in a term". If you leave gaps between terms and add members during the holiday periods, they will not appear until the term starts (so ensuring no gaps removes this issue). Then - to change terms when using OSM, click 'Change Sectie/term' at the top-left. This will let you see members who were in previous terms, and also to plan your termly programme etc.
Changing access for leaders
If you have full access to your sectie, you can edit other people's access by clicking Settings - Sectie Settings - Leaders Access.
Re-send email for leaders access
If you have given access to a leader but they haven't logged on in time (the links expire), they will need to use the 'Forgotten password' button on the login page to get a new password.
What are terms used for?
Almost all of OSM uses terms to 'filter' what shows on the screen. For example - badge records, flexi-records, events etc all show the members who are in your currently selected term (you change terms using the drop-down at the top-left). Equally, the 'Your Programme' page shows meetings within your current term. This allows you to go back to previous terms to see past information about your sectie.
Members leaving, transferring or moving on - keeping records
OSM allows you to go back in time to a previous term to see all the data for members who were with you at the time. If members have totally left you (and not gone anywhere else), go to Members - Personal Details, select the members who have left you and click 'Remove'. You will be asked which their last full term was - they will appear in all terms up to and including this term - but they won't appear in future terms. To transfer a member (when they move to a different sectie), use the 'Transfer' button instead. Once you transfer someone, you will not have access to their Personal Details (for data protection reasons). If someone is going to be in two secties at the same time, use the 'Copy/Share' button so their record can be shared.
Send an email
To send an email, go to Members - Personal Details, select the members that you want to email, and click 'Send Email'. This will let you send normal emails, and if you use Ouderportaal, it will also let you send emails with the private links to Ouderportaal.
Retrieve or reinstate deleted members
Go back to a previous term when the member was with you, and go to the Personal Details page. Select the member and click 'Return to sectie'. The member will now appear in your current term.
Asking parents to update their contact details
You can use the Contact Details Ouderportaal bolton to ask parents to view & update their contact details. Go to Members - Personal Details, select the members and click 'Send email'. Use the 'Special content' drop-down to select a template to send the parents with a link to the Contact Details area. Parents will be able to see and update their data - they will be able to edit their contact details and any other fields that you have enabled in Settings - Ouderportaal - Personal Details.
Add Member
To add a member, go to Members - Personal Details and click 'Add Member' at the top-right.
Can a member be in two secties at once?
Members and leaders can be in multiple secties at once. Use the "Copy/Share" action in the Personal Details page to copy the member to another sectie. Both secties will see the same personal details and badge records - updates made in one sectie will be visible to the other sectie.
Email mailing lists
The email bolton gives you email mailing lists that allow you to send emails to members of your sectie or members attending a certain event from outside OSM, using your normal email client. You can get a list of your email lists in Members - Email Mailing Lists, and Settings - Sectie Settings - Email System.
Print or download list of members
You can download the spreadsheet by clicking the 'Details spreadsheet' button in the Personal Details page. Alternatively, you can use the 'Details PDF' download button to download certain fields (that you can select in Settings - Sectie Settings - Personal Details Fields.
Merging two members
If you have created a member and then the previous leader transferred the same member to you, you will end up with two identical-ish members. There is no automatic way to merge the records - so pick whichever member has the least data and remove that member (after copying any important info into the other record). In the future, if you need the member's record earlier, please ask the previous leader to use the 'Copy/Share' button in the Personal Details page - this allows members to be in two places at once.
Adding additional fields
You can store extra information about members by using the boxes in the Additional Information area in the Simple View of a member's Personal Details. Simply put in the column name and value for that member and click 'Save new field'. This field will be added for all members (but the value will only be for the currently selected member). Please only store data that you have a legitimate need for storing.
Add photos of children
You can add a photo of each member by opening their Simple View of the Personal Details page and clicking the Camera icon in the profile box at the top-left. Parents cannot view or update the photo.
Lost members
If you cannot find a member, it is likely that the currently selected term is preventing them from appearing. Please ensure you are in a term (Settings - Section Settings - Terms), and that the member you are looking for was added before or during that term. If they were added with a future start date, you will need to extend your term dates to include that date. TIP: Make a term from 1st Jan 1900 to 1st Jan 2200 to find missing people.
Age isn't showing for all leaders or adults
The age doesn't show by default for people who are over 25 as some people found it sensitive.
Adding siblings
You can "duplicate" a member by selecting the member in the Personal Details page and using the "Create sibling" option. This will prompt you for a new set of basic info (name and dates) for the new member and it will then make a one-off copy of all contact information. The records are then totally separate - changes to one set will not affect the other set.
Change control of OSM to another leader
If you are leaving, you can transfer ownership of your sectie by going to Settings - Sectie Settings - Leaders Access and give your replacement full access to everything. Your replacement will then be able to remove your access.
Joining in badges are wrong
OSM calculates the joining in or participation badges based on the Joined Movement date. If this was ever wrong, the badge will be due the wrong amount. Because OSM never lowers the level of due badges (in case you've awarded them), you will need to manually fix this - first, correct the Joined Movement date, and then award the right level of the badge.
Reset password, or change name or email address
To change your name, email or password, go to Settings - My Account Details - Login Details. If a fellow leader has forgotten their password, they should click the 'Forgotten password' button on the login page. If a fellow leaders has changed their email address and forgotten their password, delete their access via the Leaders Access page and create a new account for them (or ask them to contact support).
Recording data for two colonies/packs/troops/units etc
Please setup a new sectie to keep the two secties separate - this will make it easier to do the administration. Click the drop-down at the top-left to change sectie and click 'Add new sectie'. Use the same email & password to add a new sectie to your account.
Cannot see things or make changes
If you cannot see things that you would expect to see, it probably means you do not have permission to that area of OSM. Click Settings - My Account Details - My Permissions to see what your permissions are, and to see who can change them.
It is not possible to 'undo' changes you make within OSM - so please be careful when changing data!
Image sizes for newsletters
The banner is 580x120 The small images are 280x210 The large image is 580x450 But if you aren't using a template with the background - the banner is 600x120
Last updated
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